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The Hindu wedding comprises of a plethora of colorful rituals and ceremonies, each of which carries deep significance for both the bride and the groom. The most important part of the rituals is the performance of the seven pheras (circles) which the couple takes around the sacred fire. With every phera, the bride utters certain mantras and pledges and promises to stand by her husband and her family in every storm of life. Here is a list of what she pledges with every step that she takes with her husband around the holy God of fire.
Ist phera
As for the bride, in the first phera, she utters the slogan “Dhanamdhanyampadevadet” which means that she would wholeheartedly accept her husband’s judgment, fulfill all the responsibilities of his family with utmost care and honor and remain abided by his love forever.
2nd phera
“Kutumburnrakshayishyammisaaravindharam”- By saying so, the bride promises to fill her husband’s heart with exuberant courage and strength. She promises him to always utter kind words, support him in protecting his family and children from every evil. She even takes a promise from her husband to only love her as her life partner in the second phera.
3rd phera
“Tava bhakti as vadedvachacha”- the bride promises to love her wedded husband for her entire life. She promises to look at other men as her brothers and that her love and respect for him would never fade away and that her love and devotion would always be like that of a chaste wife.
4th phera
“Lalayami cha padevadet”- in the forth phera, the bride promises to adorn herself with jewelry, flowers and garlands just for him and that the euphoria of her fragrance would be only for him. She promises to serve and please him in every possible manner for the entire life.
• The sattvik vibrations present in the surrounding atmosphere get attracted on a larger extent by lighting a ghee lamp as compared to an oil one.
• The oil lamp attracts sattvik vibrations spread over a maximum distance of 1 meter while a ghee lamp attracts these vibrations spread over till heaven or Swarga Lok.
• The ‘raja’ particles present in the atmosphere get enhanced once an oil lamp stops burning and it lasts for about half an hour. In case of a ghee lamp, when it stops burning, the impact of sattvikta (the quality of being sattvik) lasts for more than four hours.
Effects of both the types of lamp on the worshipper:
• A subtle armor of inferior quality gets generated around the worshipper when an oil lamp is lit while a ghee lamp generates a subtle armor of superior quality.
• The mind-energy (Manashakti) of the worshipper gets activated through the subtle frequencies generated by the oil lamps whereas the ones generating form a ghee lamp tend to activate the soul energy of the worshipper.
• There are three vital paths for the flow of vital energy within a human body. The oil lamps tend to activate the ‘Surya nadi’ of the human body while a ghee lamp activates only that ‘nadi or path’ which is essential for the worshipper in performing a particular action.
• Similarly, there are seven principle chakras or energy centers in a human body which influence every aspect of a human being. Where the oil lamp purifies the Muladhar and Swadhishthan Chakra only to a certain extent, the ghee lamp purifies the Manipur and Anahat chakra to a significant extent
Dr. Puneet Chawla is a Life Guru, guiding and mentoring the followers to solve their life problems and make a easy living. He corrects the reasons of troublesome life by way of Vastu, Mantra and Tantra Mandalas. Being an intuitive personality he senses the negative energies, the reasons of problems and rarely predicts the life decisions too. He is a Shiv and Shakti Sadhak and guides people through Shivpath.