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Best Vastu Tips For The South East Direction

Best Vastu Tips For The South East Direction

- This direction resembles a well-wisher, who although sensitive, is angry by nature. The owner of the south-east, according to Vastu Shastra principles, is Agni, the Lord of Fire, and its representative planet is Shukra (Venus). The sun, the provider of life to this universe, is at its hardest when it enters this direction, and the heat generated is compared to fire. Hence, as a Vastu expert for Dubai, Mumbai and practicing in other parts of the world, I believe the south-east should always be reserved for fire-related devices. Since fire is highly potent and opposed to elements such as water and air, great care should be taken while decorating this area. The use of the south-east is a very delicate matter. 

Best Vastu tips for the south-east are as follows:

1    The south-east is the best location for a kitchen. Since this corner belongs to Lord Agnidev, all food cooked here is blessed by him and is believed to be very healthy and prosperous.

2    Never place your bedroom in the south-east as this causes serious Vastu problems. The ultra violet rays of the sun reach this direction by noon and accumulate in the south-eastern room throughout the day, making it uncomfortable for the occupants. This can result in behavioral problems for them. Couples may face strained relations, sometimes even leading to divorce. 

3    Placing overhead water tanks in the south-east is like creating an enemy in the house. It can lead to lots of unwanted problems related to electrical and electronic equipments. personal matters to business decisions-anything that has to be finalized or be completed may get delayed.

4    A basement is the south-west is a huge defect as well, and can make the residents of the house feel depressed and anxious. It can also cause major delays in their life.

5    The south-west section of the building should be more elevated than the rest of the structure. It should also be heavier in comparison to the north-east

6    A kitchen in the south-west section of the house burns the positive energies that need to be accumulated in this corner. This may result in problems related to reputation and fame for the residents of the house.

7    Make sure that the south-western wall or corner of the house does not have any cracks as this would cause health problems and a consequent increase in expenditure towards the treatment of the same.        

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