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Vastu Tips For The Various Relationships Of Life

Vastu Tips For The Various Relationships Of Life

A. We all get involved in various different types of relationships in our lifetime as neighbours, friends, spouses, children, parents, siblings, lovers and so on. However, these relationships are made out of some kind of physical, mental, emotional, social or financial need attached to them and it is these social and personal obligations which we fulfil by way of maintaining these relationships. If these needs, attached to a particular relationship, are not fulfilled, their presence or the very essence of their existence becomes meaningless.

B. To a great extent, the quality of our relationships, which we maintain with others, determines the quality of life that we set for ourselves. So, it is very important to ensure that we have beautiful relationships with others in various spheres of life so that we experience a beautiful life ahead. This can be done by doing different activities in order to maintain them. Every new relationship that we enter is always in pursuit of happiness- we get married; make friends, have children, all in lieu of happiness and contentment. However, in this battle of getting happiness from others, we ultimately end up fighting a non-existing battle which we seldom realize.

C. I believe, to make relationships beautiful in the true sense of the word, it is important to turn inwards to our own self and observe ourselves very deeply and closely before looking at others and expecting others to change to our tune. By becoming a source of joy ourselves, we would create a joyous environment around us where we do not expect to extract happiness from other beings around us. We stop weighing our relationships as sources of happiness and we begin to provide happiness ourselves in pursuit of maintaining our relationships with them. This would ensure a healthy and wonderful maintenance of relationship with every person who comes in connection with us during our lifetime. 

 D. This theory can be explained very clearly. No one on earth would ever mind if we go and share our happiness and joy with them. This is because, in this endeavour, we are not trying to extract happiness from them, instead we are showering them with our happiness and helping them forget their sorrows for some time.

E. The reality lies in the fact that we are constantly trying to use our relationships to enhance our lives. We keep trying hard to fulfil the gaps and loopholes in our lives with our relationships. If extracting something out of somebody is what makes a relationship, it definitely is going to create constant trouble for us, and the person involved, in the long run over time and again. On the contrary, if a relationship is built with the intention of offering something to the person involved, it would definitely be fantastic and worth living a lifetime with

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Dr. Puneet Chawla is a Life Guru, guiding and mentoring the followers to solve their life problems and make a easy living. He corrects the reasons of troublesome life by way of Vastu, Mantra and Tantra Mandalas. Being an intuitive personality he senses the negative energies, the reasons of problems and rarely predicts the life decisions too. He is a Shiv and Shakti Sadhak and guides people through Shivpath.