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Vastu Report For Business

Vastu report for Business

Business is synonymous to competition where a rat's race is being run by one and all to excel in their respective field of work. Business growth and success is the ultimate goal of each of us. Be it a professional or a businessman, we all the have our set of inhibitions and fears in respect to business related success and accomplishments. Politics at the office front, competition among employees and subordinates, unhealthy work environment, all these are a part and parcel of handling daily business pressures which one has to face in life some time or the other. Vastu shastra lays down principles and rules which, if abided by in our day to day living, can bring about drastic improvement in one’s business front. Vastu advice from an eminent Vastu scholar like Dr. Puneet Chawla, can solve these issues very smoothly and even stop their creation thereby building harmonious relations among the employers as well as the employees and ensuring sure shot success, prosperity and growth in one’s business. Dr. Puneet Chawla Vastu has innovated the latest studies in the field of Vastu science which throws light on the various features of a piece of land in co-relation with the five elements of nature and how it can drastically affect the harmony and peace of the inmates dwelling on the structure, both office and residential, constructed on that land area. The ten directions, positive life energies and other related elements are also taken into consideration in determining Live Vastu of business structure. Dr. Chawla speaks about this innovative concept and says that while setting up your new business, Live Vastu concepts should be followed correctly so as to ensure high levels of profits and success for the organization.    ENHANCE POSITIVE ENERGIES   Keep your surroundings filled with positive vibrations by using soothing shades to decorate the interiors of your office, de-cluttering and using bright illumination sources.    ELIMINATE NEGATIVE ENERGIES   Using different methods to absorb negativity from the surrounding is the best way for eliminating and improving it. To do the needful ignite pure sandalwood incense sticks, mop the office floor with sea salt or keep the same in a bowl next to you.   USE THE NORTH   As an advice from Dr. Chawla, use the north direction to the maximum benefit. It is owned by Kuber, the lord of wealth and hence facing the north while working sharpens and increases your working capacity whereas facing this direction while eating and drinking energizes your mind, body and soul. While sleeping, point your feet to the north, this would bless you with wealth, success and prosperity.   BLOCK THE WEST   Having openings in the west direction leads to draining away your hard earned money and energy, hence keep this direction blocked as far as possible.   AVOID IRREGULAR SHAPES   Irregular shapes bring about irregularity in every aspect of life this is what Vastu stresses on. Always ensure the presence of four regular corners within an office structure, building or room. A plot having more than four corners is considered a serious Vaastu defect and should be avoided at all costs. L- shaped plots, rooms having cuts at the corners are not recommended at all. Such multi-cornered rooms, even though architecture decorated, hinder the flow and distribution of positive energies properly.

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Book Your Appointment - Dr. Puneet Chawla

This Report is strictly a Email Report by Dr. Chawla’s desk and doesn’t include any other further consultation by him.