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Every business wants to generate good income and profit as soon as possible. Due to the rising competition it gets very complicated to achieve the target. Although, there are many ways but the one simple and cost effective way is live Vastu. With the help of Vastu one just needs to do some of the replacements in the arrangement or during construction as they bring growth to the business. There are some essential factors to consider at this time. These are location of the office, department’s location, shape and slope on external side, placement of several gadgets and also placement of reception area.
The shape of the office plot should be rectangular or square. Irregular shape buildings are not considered proper. Keep this thing in mind that the heavy structure in the office should be in the west and south. These zones are known as the negative zones. The eastern and northern region should be more open. When it is about the height of the office building it must be equal in all directions. Make certain that the slope of the floor is towards north, east or north-east. Flowing water is the symbol of progress and growth. So, it has a very important role in Vastu shastra. According to Vastu, water bodies must be built in eastern and north-east direction. The same does not follow for the overhead water tanks. It is considered to be a major defect as it should be in the south-west direction.
Staircase in the office should not be in center. It must be constructed in the western and southern corner of office. Toilets should be constructed in the west or north-west rather than north-east and south-west. There should not be any temple, hospital and graveyard near to the office premises.
Reception area should be in the north-east region and receptionist must face north or east direction. Office for chairman or manager should be in the South-west or south and should face north while sitting. In case of employees, they should face east or north zone. They must not sit under beam. Waiting room is preferred in the north-west or north-east of office building. A cabinet or safe in which important documents have to be placed should be kept in south-west. Dark colors must be avoided as they make one short-tempered. Do not hang pictures reflecting sadness. Windows and doors in office must be in the east and north direction.
These vastu tips will help your business grow manifolds. This way live Vastu helps to bring the maximum of the positive energy from natural forces and makes your life cheerful.
You may call +91-9899777682, +91-9899777839 for Pan India Mumbai office: +91-9819472473
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